Friday 1 April 2011

Naboisho conservancy

Dear Friends,

I am now on a long deserve leave after a long time in the camp and hosting guest.
Just the day before I went home I went to see the new Naboisho Conservancy how its doing and what Animals will see there.
What a good surprise, I meet up with new members which I am yet to introduce to you all.
22 lions in one morning between 6:15 and 10 am what a place, Naboisho is on the eastern side of Olkiombo about 40 min from there and North east of Talek if you look at the Map.

This place is solitude heaven any one who will come to this place will just amazed with the number of wildlife from Cats to Elephants, Topi, Gnus, and Lots of Giraffes.

This is the King of this pride no Name yet Since I will be spending the whole of June there this year I will surely introduce you to all the members of this pride.
I am so exited to let you know about them.

Kind regards,

Jackson Looseyia.


Anonymous said...

I hope naming him "YAMATO".
"YAMATO" means the soul of Japan.

Now, Japan has many problems .
Earthquake , Nuclear plant , etc...

So, Please encourage Japanese!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackson,
So glad to hear about the lions and Cheetahs - how cute are those cubs.
like the idea in the previous post of the name Yamato, although i normally would go for an African name.
Enjoy your tme off,
Apesey xx

Jackson Looseyia said...

Hi Anonymous,
Since we have 3 males in this pride we will go back to them all and post each of them on the blog them we can publish the Names and Yamato will be one of them just to respect the Japan problem.
May be we invite some of the Japanese to come for the final naming could be the Japan Ambassador

Best Regards,

Laikipia said...

How lovely to read about Naboisho conservancy and the wildlife there.

Thanks for the update Jackson.